Botou Tianlun Textiles Import And Export Co., Ltd.
Main products:Tencel Yarn,Bamboo Fabric,Bamboo Towel,Modal Yarn,Bamboo Yarn And Dyed Yarn
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  • Contact Person : Mr. ZHANG XIFENG
  • Company Name : Botou Tianlun Textiles Import And Export Co., Ltd.
  • Tel : 86-317-4581832
  • Fax : 86-317-4581833
  • Country/Region : China
  • Zip : 062150

100%Lenzing Tencel LF yarn Ne45/1

100%Lenzing Tencel LF yarn Ne45/1
Product Detailed
100%Tencel LF yarn Ne45/1 soft and comfortable high strengh good stabilty

Advantage :

TENCEL® LF is a fiber type specially developed for use in knitted fabrics. It is easy to process and does not require any additional finishing steps in production. Derived from nature, the properties of this fiber are very much like cotton and make it an ideal partner for blends with cotton.

High-quality knitted fabrics can be created from TENCEL® LF and cotton. The dye affinity of both fibers is compatible so blends have an evenly dyed appearance. Another asset is the ability to mercerize TENCEL® LF. Now, nothing stands in the way of a collaborative breakthrough. Of all the cellulosic fibers, the hand of TENCEL® LF is closest to cotton. This allows fabrics to be produced with the look and feel of cotton. It is clear that TENCEL® LF can offer the highest quality standard.

The cellulosic fiber, TENCEL® LF, offers a wealth of quality advantages. It can universally be used in blends with cotton. The blends are particularly strong and durable since TENCEL® LF has such a high fiber strength. The dimensional stability is excellent and blends of 50 % TENCEL® LF and 50 % cotton do not lose their quality when repeatedly washed. They retain their hand and appearance as if they were new.

In times like these when environmental responsibility is a must, alternatives toconventional fibers are important. With TENCEL® LF it is possible to produce anenvironmentally responsible textile. A life cycle analysis (LCA) demonstrated theenvironmental impact of TENCEL® compared to cotton. The LCA study fullyevaluates the environmental impact of each fiber during the course of productionand concludes that the impact of cotton in relation to pesticides, water and land istremendous in comparison to TENCEL®. With blended fabrics of 50% TENCEL® LFand 50% cotton the effect on the environment is cut in half. After all, the 50%reduction of cotton also means 50% more protection of the water and resources inthe soil. This is the Fifty- Fifty concept of TENCEL® LF blends with cotton.

The optimal eco-fabrication is reached by blending TENCEL® LF with organicallygrown cotton. This blend is the paramount solution for eco-conscious consumers.

Packing details:

  normally packing by polyester bags,25kgs/bag,1.67kgs/cone,also can packed by cartons,36kgs/cartons or 45.36kgs/cartons,1.5kgs/cone or 1.89kgs/cone,meanwhile,we can packed it by pallet

 Product machinary:

100%Lenzing Tencel LF yarn Ne45/1

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